This t h e s i s covers an a n a l y t i c a l study of offences against property in Nigeria under the Penal Code which a p p l i e s to the eleven Northern States and the Criminal Code applicable to the ten Southern S t a t e s .
More a t t e n t i on Is , however, focused on the law applicable to t h e Northern S t a t e s * Reference has been made to p r e – s t a t u t e period when t h e only applicable laws were t h e Customary laws of crime which varied from one community to another except the Muslim community in the North which were governed by the Islami law of crime long before t h e advent of the B r i t i s h .
When the B r i t i s h came, they established some B r i t i s h Courts and g r a d u a l l y s u b s t i t u t e d the Customary laws of crime (including Islamic law of crime) with the Common law. The B r i t i s h c o l o n i a l i s t s l a t e r introduced a Criminal Code which i n i t i a l l y applied only to the then Northern Region and was l a t e r extended to the Southern Region as w e l l .
On the eve of independence the Penal Code was drafted and applied, from the date of independence, to the Northern Region while the Southern Region has continued to apply Criminal Code.
Title Page———i
Abstract ———vi
Table of Content——–vii
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction ——-1
1.1 Statement of Problem——4
1.2 Purpose of the Study——5
1.3 Significance of Study——8
1.4 Limitation——–9
1.5 Scope of Study——-11
Chapter Two
2.0 Review of Related Literature —-12
2.6 Summary of Literature Review—- 19
Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology and Procedure—22
3.1 Population ——–22
3.2 Sample and Sampling Technique—-22
3.3 Validation of the Instrument —-23
3.4 Reliability of the Instrument —–23
3.5 Data Analysis——-23
Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation and Discussion of Result—24
4.1 Analysis and interpretaion of Data—25
4.2 Discussion of Results——38
Chapter Five
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation –40
5.1 Summary——–40
5.2 Conclusion——–41
5.3 Recommendation——42
References ———45
Appendix 1——–47
Appendix ———50
Page Contents