A Comparative Analysis Of Almajiri System Of Education In Northern Nigeria


A Comparative Analysis Of Almajiri System Of Education In Northern Nigeria

Almajiri system of education is associated with Qur’anic Education, which in Northern Nigeria the Qur’anic schools system predates western system of education in fact, in most parts of the Northern Nigeria, Qur’anic system predates even the Usmanu Danfodiyo Jihad (Sule, 2002). The aims and objectives of Qur’anic system of education are to produce a faithful and piety man that will be useful to the society in general. Ja’afar (2008) declared that the Almajirci system of education is the intellectual and moral training of pupils and students. The intellectual objectives are of two types depending on the type of enrolment in the school. Thus, the intellectual objective for pupils/students enrolled under the domestic type is mostly restricted to expose them to reading and writing of Glorious Qur’an only. As for the boarding ones, their enrolment mostly aimed at producing future teachers and professionals in various fields, such as Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Sirah, (Prophets biographical life), Hadith (sayings and practices of Prophet (S.A.W.)) among others. While the second objective of the Almajirai system which is the provision of moral development of the pupils which can be achieved through different means. These according to Ja’afar (2008) include the teaching of good habits, manners like eating, drinking habit, greetings, respect for elders, relatives and neighbour, proper dressing etc. Furthermore, pupils are also taught to shun away from the forbidden acts such as telling lies, deceitfulness, alcoholic drinks, adultery, gambling and dishonesty among others through admonition and preaching. Dahiru (2011) observed that since the goals of Qur’anic schools are infuse, the complete knowledge of the Qur’anic and Islamic education is a way of absorbing moral values and spiritual sanctity for the individual here on earth and in the hereafter. He therefore itemized the following as specific objectives of Qur’an education. i. Ensure that children read and recite the Qur’an, ii. Children become fully inducted into Islamic moral values in all behaviours, iii. Children become as knowledgeable in Arabic language and basic Islamic sciences as a foundation for further studies. Abdullmalik (2008) stated that in Islam, education is conceived as process of self disciplined which involve physical, mental and spiritual training of man. It aims at producing well disciplined, highly skilful and responsible human beings who are conscious of their duties to Almighty Allah and commitments to the service of their society. According to Sule (2002) the main aim and objective of Almajiri education is to enable one to live a life of good Muslim, benefit himself and his society.

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